Sincere appreciation to all of our customers who participated in our 3rd annual Brakes for Breasts Fundraiser. We gave away 43 sets of brake pads/shoes and raised $1,016.46 for the Cleveland Clinic Breast Cancer Vaccine Fund. We look forward to another great event in 2021!
Our annual participation would not be possible without our generous partners at Napa, The Parts House and BG/Fox Distributing. We truly appreciate their dedication to Kaufman’s, our customers and for contributing to the success of the Brakes for Breasts Fundraiser each year.
If you missed out on the opportunity this year, we will send an email in September 2021 with all of the information you will need to join us in October during Breast Cancer Awareness month to help us put the brakes on breast cancer!
THANK YOU from all of us at Kaufman’s Auto Repairs!